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Monday, March 17, 2008

I've Moved!

I have a new blog!!! I'm so excited about this change. For months I have wanted to provide a bigger, more enticing viewing experience to those of you who check in regularly, and for those who are here for the first time. For my techno-saavy friends, you'll be glad to know the new site has a RSS feed enabled, and I didn't have to do a thing! I'm thankful for the free service Blogger has provided, and I will leave this up as long as they allow me to so that you can come back time and again to see your favorite images from the past.

Be sure to bookmark my new blog site here: Lorraine's New and Improved and Totally Rad Blog

Oh, and when you drop by, be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you think!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hayley's Senior Session in Downtown Seattle

Yesterday, Ashley and I had the fun of hanging out with Hayley to take her senior pictures at the Olympic Sculpture Park and Pike's Place Market. We were so thankful that it didn't rain on us as was forecast for the day... in fact, it was an absolutely beautiful afternoon. The only thing we didn't plan on was the blustery wind. It was whipping up in every location we selected.

I loved this sequence of Hayley by the beach, but it was sooo windy that it was hard to get a decent shot without her hair flying everywhere. For this shot, Ashley handheld a scrim over Hayley to shield her from the bright mid-day sun. It made for a wonderful soft-light portrait, but the wind was making it hard for Ashley to hold the scrim in place. I'm going to have to try this again sometime on a non-windy day.

There is a very cool orange wall in the alley at Pike's Place. The natural light makes this a perfect spot to use...and once again, the wind whipped up to give Hayley the windswept look. I think she looks great!

Hayley is a beautiful young woman. I love this serene look for a portrait.

We had to get some final shots in front of the market sign. Hayley looks like a model here - too cool!

Hayley, it was a pleasure to meet you and to spend some time learning about your life and dreams. I am confident that you will find a picture within your images that will be carried about in a wallet many years from now. Blessings to you!
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Saturday, March 08, 2008

Kevin and Amanda's Wedding in Lynden

My nephew Kevin tied the knot with his bride Amanda last night in a beautiful ceremony in Lynden, Washington. Amanda and Kevin were blessed with much support and love from family, friends and their community. We began the day photographing Amanda at a friend's house for the getting ready shots. The home was so lovely and provided wonderful backdrops for photos, including the local golf course which was in the back of the home.

We love taking "first glance" photos. The curved pathway and rounded arbor provided a scenic spot for Kevin to meet his bride.

We were blessed that the rains held off until later in the evening, giving us opportunity to make use of the beautiful trees and outdoor surroundings for some special images. Thank you, Lord!

Okay, try this one with the one you love...kiss and smile at the same time. It's probably harder than it looks!

I've long admired other photographer's creativity when it comes to photographing detail shots such as rings. Determined to think outside of the box, we scoured the home to find just the right spot to take a picture of the rings. When I saw these angels on the bookcase, I thought they'd make a nice placeholder for the rings. Maybe it's a little cheesy, but it was fun nevertheless.

Amanda and Kevin were the first couple to get married at the new sanctuary of North County Christ the King Community Church, the place they met and their home church. They began their ceremony with a time of praise and worship...

Following the ceremony, the worship center was re-arranged as a reception area with a dance floor. Here Kevin and Amanda dance their first dance as husband and wife.

Let them eat...pie! The couple chose a non-traditional dessert with an assortment of pies instead of cake. Their favorite sat atop a creative pie stand that Kevin constructed for the occasion...

I am so glad we brought along our video light! When the guests began dancing, it was so dark in the reception area that using flash just wasn't working well as the cameras couldn't achieve a focus. Switching to the video light was the perfect solution, and we got some great images as a result. Here are Amanda and her sister Theresa leading one of the conga lines...

Kevin and Amanda made their exit literally through a cloud of sparkler smoke.

Kevin and Amanda, we pray that your marriage will be blessed with all that you need - love, laughter, fun, friendship, peace and joy. We love you both...congratulations!
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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Matthew's Senior Pictures at Robinswood Park

I've known Matthew and his family over ten years - just about the time we joined a newly formed homeschool co-op, which led to a number of shared classes with my girls over the years. Let's see...if my calculations are correct, Matthew must have been about seven or eight years old at the time. Wow! So it was my pleasure to hang out with Matthew and his mom today as we took a few photos (well, a few according to my count...) for his senior session. Matthew has such a great smile which comes easily and naturally, that to ask for a more serious expression or contemplative look almost seemed out of place.

Sometimes I'll find something unique about a location that catches my eye and ask the person I'm photographing to be flexible...and today was no exception. I loved the dry grasses in the field, but had no idea what lay beneath - or if it was mucky from all the rain. I'm so glad Matthew was a good sport and walked out into the field. His efforts were rewarded and no harm came because of it!

Thank you, Matthew and Marta, for having the patience to stick it out with me until we exhausted Robinswood Park and the surrounding areas of Bellevue to get just the right image for your senior pictures. I think our time together was successful...I hope that the image you select will be a blessing to your family now and in the years to come.
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