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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Matthew's Senior Pictures at Robinswood Park

I've known Matthew and his family over ten years - just about the time we joined a newly formed homeschool co-op, which led to a number of shared classes with my girls over the years. Let's see...if my calculations are correct, Matthew must have been about seven or eight years old at the time. Wow! So it was my pleasure to hang out with Matthew and his mom today as we took a few photos (well, a few according to my count...) for his senior session. Matthew has such a great smile which comes easily and naturally, that to ask for a more serious expression or contemplative look almost seemed out of place.

Sometimes I'll find something unique about a location that catches my eye and ask the person I'm photographing to be flexible...and today was no exception. I loved the dry grasses in the field, but had no idea what lay beneath - or if it was mucky from all the rain. I'm so glad Matthew was a good sport and walked out into the field. His efforts were rewarded and no harm came because of it!

Thank you, Matthew and Marta, for having the patience to stick it out with me until we exhausted Robinswood Park and the surrounding areas of Bellevue to get just the right image for your senior pictures. I think our time together was successful...I hope that the image you select will be a blessing to your family now and in the years to come.


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