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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Carter's Senior Pics at Carillon Point

Yesterday we braved the cold and blustery weather to take Carter's senior pictures. We must have been having a very good time, because by the end of our session I hardly noticed the cold, and that is definitely not typical for me! I enjoyed working with Carter, who has a terrific smile and the best manners of any teen I've ever met. He was a great sport to go along with my suggestions. Here are a few of my favorites from the day:

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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Livia, one week old

On Saturday, I had the pleasure of spending time with Livia and Krisztina at home...we had a perfect visit. What a content and good-natured baby!

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Welcome to the world, Livia Nessa!

My phone rang at 3:30am this morning. "Lorraine?", an unidentified man's voice on the line spoke softly, "it's time!" For the life of me I couldn't figure out who was talking to me, though it was obvious that it wasn't a wrong number. My brain soon kicked into gear...Livia was on her way, and I'd better hit the road fast or I'd miss her welcome into the world.

I started my car, and the noise of the radio shattered the silence of the morning, with a song by Stevie Wonder, "Isn't She Lovely". Wow. How incredible! Not only is this a song celebrating the birth of a brand-new baby daughter, it was also the song Bob and Krisztina chose to use on a DVD we made of the birth of their first baby Aliyah, over three years ago. It was a good start to the morning.

Livia Nessa: born at 4:40am, February 10th.

Livia being held in the arms of her loving grandmother, Anna.

Aliyah desperately waits her turn to hold and love her baby sister.

Getting checked out by the mid-wife and by her big sister... everything's perfect!

Okay, well maybe not everything! I get the feeling that Aliyah is going to be doing this a lot in the coming months to help comfort her new baby sister.

Aliyah did so well during the birth of her sister, especially given the time of night she was awakened and brought to the birth center. She finally sacked out around 6:30 in the morning, but not until she had spent quality time with her new sibling.

Bob, Krisztina, Aliyah and Livia - we love you! May the LORD continue to shower you with blessings both now and in the years to come.
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