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Monday, October 09, 2006

Ryan's Senior Session at Carillon Point

This afternoon was another beautiful fall day, and perfect for a senior session. Ryan proved that guys can have just as much fun as the girls when it comes to a photo shoot - he kept up with the best of them!This picture was taken indoors at the Woodmark Hotel. The staff was gracious to allow us the use of the hotel for a short period of time - just long enough to get this shot on the staircase as Ryan was facing the expansive picturesque window. I like the balance of natural light and shadow on his face.

Believe it or not, the water was really that blue - I didn't change anything in post-production to get the blues that hue. Nice!

Although I've taken other kids to Carillon Point for senior pictures, I'm always looking for a new angle or twist to make each session unique. I couldn't help but put Ryan with the granite statues for his take on the structures. I have to say, he did a great job!

Rayn, whether your steps are directed into working in the field of computer technology, politics, or running your own business, may you find joy in the journey and a life of peace as you use the gifts and talents God has given to enrich your life and the lives of others. Have a fantastic senior year!


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