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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Rob's Impromptu Portrait Session

I heard from my friend Rhea yesterday, asking if I had time in my schedule to accomodate a quick portrait session for her son, Rob, who is going to have his Bar-Mitzvah next week. What are friends for, if they can't come through in a pinch? Since my jury duty obligation was unexpectedly cancelled for the day, I happened to be available - so with Gabriel off on vacation, the four of us went off to spend the morning with Rob. I love this first picture, with Rob looking quite handsome and helped a lot to have Rhea jumping up and down behind me to elicit a great smile, just like when Rob was a little boy!
This final picture cracks me was so bright and sunny, that Gabriel took off his shades to give them to Rob, giving his eyes a break. I was more intrigued with seeing my reflection in his glasses than trying to get a good expression from Rob - it was too fun!


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