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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Garrett's Senior Session

On Monday, my girls and I spent the afternoon with Garrett at Pike's Place Market, to take pictures for his senior session. It's no secret by now that Pike's Place is one of my favorite places to go for photos, but what surprised me this time was that even though I've been there so many times in the past, I was still able to see something "new " in a very familiar surrounding. I was inspired by a very creative & talented photographer to use my video light to "paint with light" in my photos. Garrett was a good sport about letting me experiment with this new technique, and the end result was kinda cool! I'm definitely going to want to try this again!I learned that one of Garrett's interests was in drama, so we decided to position him under the Market Theatre sign for a few shots.
Garrett's mom really liked this edgy wall filled with peeling posters and advertisements, so the final image in this series is my take on making this dramatic pose a little more artistic. I love the variety that is possible in digital imaging - really, the possibilities are endless, and only limited by one's imagination.
Thanks, Garrett, for going along with my suggestions and allowing me to mix it up. You did great!


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