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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Happy 80th Birthday Gift

So a few weeks ago, my husband ran into his former boss at Crossroads had been years since either of us had seen Robin. He told her of my photography business, and soon we had scheduled a photo session of her family so that she could give a special gift to her mother-in-law on her upcoming 80th birthday. Cool!

It's funny how time has a way of passing so quickly. The last time I saw Kelsey, she was running along the banks of a river at Remlinger Farms, picking pumpkins with my daughter Ashley and riding the kiddie train together. She must have been no older than 7 or 8...and here she is, all grown up and a senior in high school. Wow.

If Kelsey was 8 the last time we were together, her sister Kendall wasn't far behind. My girls, who accompanied me on this shoot, couldn't believe how grown-up both girls looked. It was funny to hear them make the same observation - especially since they are nearly the same age!

I heard back from Robin today that they were really happy with the images taken at her photo shoot. I was happy when I reviewed them, but to know that she was very, very happy makes me just...happy! Here is one of my favorite images taken of her family at the Arboretum last week.


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