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Friday, October 13, 2006

Lizzie at Pike's Place Market

It had been awhile since we had done a photo session at Pike's Place Market, so when Lizzie and her mom chose this location for her senior pictures, I was looking forward to getting back there and to find something new just for Lizzie.

We explored the other half of Pike's Place that usually goes unnoticed (by our family at least!), and found this really cool covered stairway that gave beautiful lighting. It almost felt like something I'd find as a studio backdrop.

I love alleys that bring in soft light and a soft was perfect for Lizzie.

We ended our session on the Seattle Waterfront in front of Fisherman's Restaurant. I had with me a Greek Fisherman's cap, which was a fun prop to use and actually complemented Lizzie's blue eyes beautifully. Lizzie, thanks for bringing me back to a spot that I love and for going along with all my ideas - even the ones that didn't work out so great (and which you'll never see...)! I hope you have a fantastic senior year, and that these pictures will be a blessing to you and your family for years to come.


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