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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Rattle in Seattle

For those of us that live in the greater Seattle area, Thursday night delivered a wind storm that will long remain in our memories...both for the sleepless night the winds created, and the aftermath that we continue to live through. Although our family lost power (5 nights and counting), we are grateful for hot running water, a gas stove with which to cook, and most importantly, no damage to our home or property as we have witnessed all around us.

Downed trees blocked the street and prevented us from leaving home the day after the storm...

A few blocks away, this neighbor's house was hit by three falling trees...

Five days after the storm, this tree is just as it was the night it fell on a well-traveled road that leads to the local grocery store...

I still can't figure out this one...

I learned that I am far more capable than I ever imagined, and after the first few days of complaining about the cold (temps hovering around 48 degrees inside!), the survivor instinct kicked in and I was surprised how well I was able to adapt to my new situation. Bundled up in snow gear, hat, gloves and boots, I have been first to greet the dawn (okay, does 9:30am still qualify as dawn??), get hot chocolate simmering for my family and a hot breakfast to start their day...something we definitely don't do when the power is on! We've re-discovered parts of our home often bypassed - the family room with a gas fireplace (that gives off very limited warmth), and the table top that now hosts a new puzzle to piece together. Although unwanted and unexpected, I've been given a break from my own work timetable and have re-discovered the joys of sharing life with my family in new ways. Who would've ever guessed?


Blogger eno said...

Thanks for capturing these photos and sharing your thoughts. I hope your electricity has been restored now (although I heard Duvall was going to be one of the last areas to be serviced).

2:30 AM  

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